It was a wonderful Christmas. I do not think Ms. Goofy liked her brand new shiny toaster. Practical gifts are under appreciated in this household. Ms. Goofy did buy a very fancy American Wagyu tri-tip roast for dinner. I consulted my notes and asked some experts for cooking by reverse sear on the Big Green Egg cooker. It does take a little effort but the results are fantastic. You start out at 250 degrees in a indirect heat and cook till 105. After a 10 minute rest it is returned to a very hot direct fire to carmelize the exterior. This raises internal temperature to about 125-130 for the perfect and I do mean perfect medium rare. Merry Day after Christmas.

Chilebrown at home
Tuesday, December 26, 2023
Monday, December 18, 2023
Welcome to Paul’s Fruitcake Corner. Here at the corner we will try fruitcake so you do not have to. We will start today with a hardy; “WOW”. Jourdan of East Bay Artisan Italian Pantry & Bake Shop is an Italian baker that sells his baked wares at the Martinez Farmers Market. (And other various Farmers Markets). He has been reading ‘Paul’s Fruitcake Corner’ and wanted to participate. Here we go.
This cake is huge, weighing in at 3.5 pounds for 25 dollars. I asked Jourdan for the ingredients and it is a large list too. It has 4 different kinds of raisins, ginger, pecans, almonds, dried papaya, pineapple, dates, dried & candied cherries, dried cranberries and all soaked in brandy. The exterior of the cake was firm with a sugary crust. The firm texture breaks open to reveal the interior that was moist from all the soaked fruits. I had to take a moment after the first bite. The melody of dried fruits and almonds all perfectly spiced sings a song of joy. This is fruitcake heaven. This cake was a labor of love and premium ingredients.
You can too try East Bay Artisan Italian Pantry & Bake Shop baked goods at various Farmers Markets. Thankyou Jourdan.
Monday, December 11, 2023
Welcome to Paul’s fruitcake corner. Here at the corner we will try fruitcakes so you will not have to. Today’s cake is Mrs. Carvers Holiday Fruitcake. It is found at the local Lucky’s store at around 10.00 dollars for a 12 ounces piece. We here at Paul’s fruitcake corner want to love all fruitcakes. Mrs. Carvers is an unfortunate rendering and may be a good reason fruitcake sometimes has a bad reputation. It looks unappetizing. It is dry to the mouth which egg-nogg will not even rescue. Glace fruit is scattered throughout but is a weird texture feel. It is sickly sweet possibly by high fructose corn syrup. I am sorry but I would not recommend Mrs. Carvers Holiday Fruitcake
Stay tuned! The Holiday fruitcake season has only just begun.
Monday, December 4, 2023
Ms. Goofy has been on eggnog alert. She finally found one at our local grocery store. This was the only brand available. I am not sure if it is still early or there is not a demand for eggnog anymore. Bud's brand eggnog is a very decent rendering of one of my Holiday favorites. I am going to pour a glass and have a slice of fruitcake. "Ho, Ho, Ho. "
Monday, November 27, 2023
Monday, November 20, 2023
Jane Parker dark fruitcake just arrived by Santa driving an Amazon van. This is a very good rendering of a traditional cake. It is chock full of pecans, raisins, molases, brown sugar and cherries on top. It is very moist and scrumdiddlyumptious. It is a delicate cake and will fall apart if your not careful. I doubt I will have a problem because it will not last long.
Sunday, November 12, 2023
Who would of ever thought I would become a fan of a local Holiday Craft Sale? Well, I am. Where else can you buy homemade pie, jams & jellies, and numerous sweet homemade treats? This sale even had a pie room where you could go to have coffee and a slice of pie. I did have some restraint and only bought jams and a pecan pie today. See you at the next Holiday Craft sale.
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Monday, October 30, 2023
Sunday, October 22, 2023
It was our last competition of the year. We traveled to Clements California to judge ribs today. It was a great send-off. There were some celebrities in the house; Elvis, Marilyn and the Duke. The teams did a great job and the judges & public left full and satisfiend. We cannot wait till next year.
Monday, October 16, 2023
It is so nice to be able to be normal again. Normal with a highly inflated price tag I guess. We love to go to our local playhouse and see a show. Yesterday we saw Young Frankenstein the musical. It is a great way to spend an afternoon. Afterwards we walk across the street to enjoy a Mexican dinner.
The New Mecca is a popular restaurant that has been around forever. Today for some very unusual reason it was not crowded. New Mecca is known for their comfort, cheap and plentiful Mexican food. They do not dissapoint. It may be a good idea to take a heartburn pill but it is so good.
Sunday, October 8, 2023
PIG JIG 2023
This weekend, we judged a very fun bbq contest called "Pig Jig". We got to judge Tri-tip and Ribs but what made this contest really stand out was the "Anything Goes' category. The only rule is to have 6 servings for 6 judges. The teams go all out to impress the judges. Believe you me, we were impressed. This was more than just a fun food contest. It was a corporate fundraiser for NephCure Kidney International to combat kidney desease. We were glad to have participated.