Chilebrown at home

Sunday, May 12, 2024



Ms. Goofy and I went out to the California Magic Club for dinner theater. This was a fun dinner and show in nearby Martinez California. We made our reservations several weeks in advance because this is a small venue of 40 seats and they sell out all the time. We arrived at 7:30 and were seated immediately in front of the small stage. As we waited for dinner to start several magicians walked throughout and entertained us with parlor magic tricks.

Dinner only had two options of the offered plate or a vegetarian version. It arrived to our table and frankly it was a little dissapointing. There was chicken, tri-tip and rice & vegetables. This made airline food appealing. There was nothing wrong with it per se, but, I detected liquid smoke.

The chocolate covered fruits were good. It was on with the show. We saw several acts which were very entertaining. The magicians dazzled and performed with great fanfare. We laughed and were amazed. This was a lot of fun. Overall, this was a fun evening. The dinner was not the best but the whole package of dinner and a show was a winner.

Sunday, May 5, 2024


We have a new Farmers Market in town. We paid it a visit and I bought some preserved lemons. To be honest I have never had any experience using preserved lemons and bought this on a whim. I took it home and sampled the lemons. It is salty, soft and "surprise"; lemony. What can I do with these. I did the usual searches and asked for a couple of suggestions from friends. This is what I came up with.

Fresh fava beans are at the market too. They are only around for a little while and I love to take advantage. To quote my father; It is a lot of work for what you get. I peeled and blanched the favas. I then popped them out of their protective membrane. I chopped one preserved lemon and combined all with extra virgin olive oil, splash of white balsamic and salt & pepper. This was wonderful. The lemon adds a tart savory pop to the fresh fava beans. Preserved lemons, where have you been my whole life?