And I live in a small town
Prob'ly die in a small town
Oh, those small communities

Lakemans Club
512 First St.
Rodeo, Ca. 94572 510-799-9767
A Journey in search of Meat Products. Fun and unusual ways of preparing Meat with a few Vegetables now and then.
Make a well with the flour. Beat your eggs with salt and olive oil. Place liquids in center of flour volcano and combine. Knead for 10 minutes. You will have a very stiff dough. Wrap in cellophane and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Roll dough into fine sheets and cut into desired shapes.
This pasta cooks very fast. Some boiling salted water and maybe 5 minutes at the most. The pasta will float to the surface when it is done. Watch your pot,taste and remove the pasta before it gets overdone.
Combine all ingredients in a bowl and cover for 2 days. That is it. How hard was that. This is a little to easy. There is only one step more. After 2 days place in food processor and process to desired consistency. Refrigerate.
This mustard smells wonderful. Coming out of the food processor the aroma of mustard and spice was scrumptious. An initial taste on a cracker was a palate awakening. Let me warn you. Freshly ground mustard is very powerful. It has a horseradish type of bite. The combination of beer and spices was too good to be true. This will have to be sampled with a sandwich.
It is that time of year that the farmer's markets are starting to spill over with summer bounty. Napa, California has an evening market, called Chef's Market. It is a festive affair with live music, wine tasting, and chef's demonstrations. This was one Hot market. I mean that literally. The thermometer was pushing 90 degrees at 5:00 pm.
Being a market, in Napa, there must be wine. There were plenty of choices of grape to taste and imbibe.
Thursday Evenings 5pm-9pm
May 21- through July 30
First Street, Downtown Napa
Oscar tried some Carson City Hot Sauce on a cookie. Here is his review:"Woof, Woof, Woof, meow, Woof, Woof and Woof" (Taste's like a weak Tobasco with a little smoke.)