Chilebrown at home

Monday, June 19, 2023



Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher said, “Change is the only constant in life.” Well I want to push the B/S button on Mr. Heracalitus. I am talking about the new mailboxes in case you wonder where this was going. Pictured above is a drive through mailbox. It is a constant aspect of life that I have taken for granted my whole life. You take a letter, put a stamp on it and drive to the Post Office and deposit it in a trusty blue bin. Apparently the "Bad Guys" have been taking a type of fishing line with adhesive as bait and stealing mail by the deposit slot. To combat this nefarious action the postal service is slowly replacing the beloved mailbox with a tamper proof mail slot. This new box does not have a drop off chute. One must manipulate the letter through a tiny slot. This requires one to get out of their car. It is the end of the world as we know it. Who knows? They may start sending mail by some electronic manipulation.

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