'You say tomato, I say tomatoe, Lets call the whole thing off'! * Not today! The 'Organic Heirloom & Hybrid Tomato Market' was held in Novato, California. This was the spot to purchase some new and unusual varieties of tomato. The sales went to support a program for Sustainable Garden Education.
We arrived at the opening of the sale. It was a mad house. Have you ever been bowled over by an aggressive Marinite? This one highly caffeinated 'Soccer Mom' cleared a path, regardless of any crowd etiquette, to make her purchase. It is a good thing I had Ms. Goofy to block for me.

There was some really great varieties of tomato's. 'Aunt Ruby's German Green, Box Car Willie and Japanese Black Trifele were a couple of varieties that were purchased. We ran into some celebrities, Zoomie & Her Beloved but no Cookiecrumb or Cranky. We took our purchases home and got Diggity!
* Sorry, George Gershwin "Lets Call the Whole Thing Off"
Love the two "high-fiving" each other behind us local celebs! Apparently, they got the ones they wanted, too. I'm impressed that you have yours in the ground already - I'm gonna do pots this year so I need to get some potting soil at the garden center, first.
Oh man, the season is coming, eh?
I received a tamal delivery yesterday morning, then spent a few hours in the yard. A nice lazy day!
ps - Spent about 5 hours off and on getting fancy downloaded movies to work on my pc & laptop. Darned codecs!
Yeah, we called the whole thing off. Cranky remembered what a zoo it was last year. We didn't get there early enough that time, and the tomatoes we wanted were long gone.
This morning, we bought five plants at the Marin Civic Center farmers market. They look good.
It was a BONUS to see you and Ms. Goofy today!
Missed you, Zoomie and her B.
Zoomie, Those 'high-fiving' people were happy to be next to local Celebs. We just go Diggity'
Reverend, I wish they made a tamal plant.
Cookiecrumb, Did I mention how clean your hair looked this morning. Did you get any of that Colossal Asparagus? It was grilled and devoured. OH My GOSH!
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