Greg from ‘Black Iron Dude’ pointed out to me about a new group of people that are promoting a ‘Meatless Monday’. Their goal is to help reduce meat consumption 15% to improve personal health and the health of the planet. An ‘A’ list of celebrities has jumped on this band wagon. (Paul McCartney, Gwyneth Paltrow, Michael Pollan). Martha Stewart is a big supporter of this movement. The board of Supervisors of San Francisco just passed a nonbinding resolution urging restaurants and stores to offer vegetarian options on Monday. That is just what we need. The government will tell us what not to eat on Monday’s,
It is bad enough that I had to wear a helmet on the short bus. Later in life a helmet was required to ride my motorcycle. I do not smoke but the government is telling me that I cannot in public. When will it stop? I personally am going to boycott San Francisco on Monday’s. That will teach them.
It is bad enough that I had to wear a helmet on the short bus. Later in life a helmet was required to ride my motorcycle. I do not smoke but the government is telling me that I cannot in public. When will it stop? I personally am going to boycott San Francisco on Monday’s. That will teach them.

Can't post a comment right now, am bUsY !!! You still want that picture?
xo, Biggles
Oh yeah I am taking a nap.
I love the idea of a state promoting Meatness Mondays! How cool. What a great way to support the local cattle, pork, and poultry farmers.
Oh wait. meatLESS? that's #($@$#%. Do they live in the State of Denial?
Keep up the civil disobedience:)
I'll join the movement... no San Francisco for me on Mondays!
Can we still have sex on Mondays?
Chris and A Year on the Grill, Right on, thanks for the support
Cookiecrumb, Yes Sex on Mondays!, but only with Cranky.
I vaguely recall there was a small religious organization that had a similar prohibition, but it was on Fridays. There's really nothing new under the sun . . .
SFist has promised meat-filled posts on Mondays.
I think MEATNESS (or MEATINESS) Mondays sounds like it should be a regular feature here.
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