We are "Movin on up" in the barbeque world. We have noticed that most competitive barbeque teams use the Stoker. The Stoker is a high tech system to control your pit fire with consistency. You have this device that will monitor the internal temperature of your pit and will activate a fan to raise or lower the heat. This unit will also watch for your target temperature of your meat. It will explode with bells and whistles to let you know the meat is done. You can hook up multiple smokers and have different target meats. One fancy option, is this unit can be controlled and monitored by your laptop. With a little tinkering you can even set it up to be wireless. We can go to Starbucks and control our barbeque.


We received our Stoker this weekend. It was pouring rain so a trial run will have to wait for next week. We are stoked about having the Stoker. When it is all set and running, Ms. Goofy will be very happy. No longer will she have to get up in the middle of the night to tend the fire. I can monitor my pork butts from the salt mine. Yes, we are moving on up.
I don't have a Stoker. I'm sure you're not surprised. I mean if I don't have one of those fancy internal thermometers, I doubt there's a Stoker in my possession.
You will! How many 300 games have you bowled?
new toys new toys... calls for a day off work from the real job
There are times that I wish I had one but have "suffered" so far;) In fact, I'd just be happy having a remote temp probe (internal and cooker temp).
Can't wait to hear how you like it so I can see if I want to get one.
So now she only has to get up in the middle of the night to get you a sandwich, right?
Does it have a mechanical basting brush, too? If not, I'm not getting one.
I spend my discretionary income on lipstick and shoes.
A Year on the Grill, I did call the salt mine on Sunday with an optical problem. I could not see comin in.
Chris, Nu-temp makes a combo that runs off a base station. If you do not get a Stoker we have gotten by with the Nu-temp.
Greg, Are you trying to get me in trouble?
Zoomie, How about your beloved doing basting duty?
Cookiecrumb, We know!
If Zio gets one, he's checking his own temperatures. I value my sleep too much!
I'm always in trouble so I need company.
I never knew about these Stokers but now I NEED one.
The dude playing the bongos in that video looks like a cross between Keith Richards and John McEnroe.
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