It was another beautiful Spring day. It was a good excuse to makes some Aritchoke heart and Asparagus pizza. The sauce was a grilled green salsa. This roasted salsa had tomatillas, green onions, white onions 'California Long Hots' and garlic. This was spring at its tasty best. I think leftover pizza would be perfect for lunch.

It looks evil, but I'll bet it tasted heavenly.
A vegetarian pizza from the mad meat genius... you are mad I tell ya
Love that pizza oven! Did you build it or is that one of those shells you can buy? That is so cool. Or hot actually, I guess.
This time, even Cranky wants a Beehive.
Beauty, man.
Looks wonderful! Gonna have to build one of those ovens some day.
Zoomie, I am not sure what you mean by evil. It did taste devilishly good.
A Year on the Grill, Yes, I am a little shocked too. We had leftover chicken from the last post and had avery intention of using it. We forgot and the pizza's looked and tasted so good.
Chris, It was purchased. It was the killer gift from Ms. Goofy!
Cookiecrumb, I have been waiting for you to get one. Every year they raise the price by 25 percent.
Zia, They are a lot of fun.
What a fabulous pizza oven. You're so well equipped! This pizza sounds very very good.
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