This is Chilebrown in his element. We are tweaking,learning and experiencing the Stoker Moment. The Stoker unit is a wonderful tool to control your barbeque pit. I will be the first to admit that it is not easy to learn all the controls and nuances of setting up this device. You know what the best part is? We get to eat the experiments. We are having too much fun!

new toys new toys new toys!!!
But once all of the smokers are online, and they establish the "Smokenet" network, the smokers will rise up and take over the world. Oh wait...that was Terminator. Never mind, smoke on!
something seems so wrong. using a computer to control your smoker. I smoke to get away from technology
Just back from Butler Meats - indeed a Mecca for a guy like you! Stand by for a report.
A Year on the Grill, New toys keep you young, I think.
Chris, Be afraid! It could happen.
White Trash, If it makes you feel any better, I do not own a cell phone.
Zoomie, Oh yes, A guy like me.
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