The American public on average eats 46 slices of pizzas a year. I personally may double that amount. How about combining another American favorite pastime of barbeque with pizza and we have the ‘Kettlepizza’. The Kettlepizza is a fun barbeque accessory that will transform your kettle barbeque into a quality wood fired pizza oven. This pizza oven will achieve high heats that are necessary to cook that pizzeria quality pizza pie. This unit allows you to maintain high temperatures because of the unique design of the oven opening and cooking chamber. Using a normal kettle bbq you would have to remove the lid and lose that precious heat. The Kettlepizza is proudly made in the U.S.A. The Kettlepizza promises to be a fun review for this Mad Meat Genius. Pizza & BBQ are two of my favorite pastimes.

When the delivery driver arrived, that tingly feeling associated with Christmas morning was experienced by this excited man-child. The box was immediately ripped open and placed on the floor. Believe it or not I actually read the instructions. It was simple enough to assemble the cooking unit. No tools were needed. It only involved screwing the handles on and tightening a couple of wing nuts. Next, I went to the computer and watched a video on how to use the Kettlepizza. This video was perfect to get the feel for the pizza fun to
come. Watch Video

We are no strangers to making pizza. The secret to great dough is a long rise time. We made our dough the day before to achieve that wonderful sourdough like flavor. Some home made sauce was made. Several toppings of sausage, cheese, mushrooms would also be used. It is always fun to create the base of your pizza and let your guests choose their own toppings. We put cornmeal on the pizza peel to assure the dough would not stick. The pizzas were assembled on the pizza peel.

It is time to build the fire. A full chimney of charcoal briquettes was lit. When the coals were covered with ash and lit they were emptied on the back of the kettle grate. We placed the Kettlepizza unit on the kettle and put the lid on. We watched the thermometer rise on the side of the Kettlepizza. It heated up pretty fast. As per the video, we let it heat the pizza stone for a short while. We then removed the unit and added several pieces of wood to achieve even higher heat. The Kettlepizza was returned to the hot kettle. This oven was smoking hot around 900 degrees and it was time to cook.

We slid our pizza off the peal onto the stone. The pizza crust immediately began to brown and bubble. We rotated our pie several time to insure even cooking. There is a slight learning curve to the cooking that is explained in detail in the video. Our first pizza cooked like a charm. The bottom of the crust was crisp and the toppings were melted and slightly browned. The total time in the oven was a fast four minutes. Wow, that was quick.

This was some fantastic tasting pizza. The flavors and textures were just like a commercial wood fired oven. It was even better than a restaurant because we cooked it ourselves. We were not done yet. We took some vegetables and roasted them in the Kettlepizza. Carrots, beets mushrooms, and broccoli rabe were coated with olive oil, salt and pepper. They were placed in a ceramic dish. The vegetables were place in the oven and roasted for 20 minutes. This was a great way to roast our vegetables. Even this Mad Meat Genius had a smile on his face while eating his vegetables.

Ketlepizza is a wonderful way to combine two of my favorite pastimes. Cooking quality pizza on your barbeque could not be easier using the Kettlepizza. Turning your kettle bbq into a wood fire pizza oven can now be achieved with ease. High heat can be achieved and maintained with this specialty designed product. Pizza crust is crisped and toppings are cooked to perfection. I hate to admit it but I even liked my vegetables. How much fun did we have using this product? Too much fun for just one person, this needs to be shared. I am even thinking about bringing the Kettlepizza to our tailgate parties at sporting events. There is also the added bonus that this product is made in the U.S.A. It is that time of the year and the Kettlepizza would sure be a wonderful gift. You can order directly from Kettlepizza by following the links below.

I am hurt you did not invite me to the pizzas party. GWH
greatwhite hunter, You are always welcome. You were out of state hunting oh greatwhite hunter. Otherwise we would of let you make your very own special pie.
Chiliebrown, we received our Kettlepizza last week, but I a, traveling for the salt mines and have not had a chance to try it out yet. I will let you know how it goes when i get back. Thanks for the tutorial.
Looks like rel fun!
Smoking hot! LOve it!
Three Dogs BBQ, You will have fun with this unit.
Zoomie, Pizza for everyone.
Greg, It does get hot. It works great for crisp crust.
I thought that was a neat contraption and a must have for any kettle owner.
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