You ever get a hankerin for a Fred Flinstone hunk of Beef. Ms. Goofy did. She instructed me to find a large old Dino Roast. Luckily for Dino I found one that was beef. This roast is Choice USDA , Number One, and Boneless. This is the cream of the crop . We are going to cook this beauty with respect. It will be cooked with a indirect fire on my special Smoker/Barbeque. Mesquite wood charcoal is the fuel of choice. With a quality cut of beef you do not need any fancy dressings. Coarse salt and freshly ground pepper will do the trick. One of the secrets to the perfect roast is to achieve your correct temperature. I am shooting for Medium Rare. I will be using a remote thermometer and rechecking with an instant read thermometer. To achieve Medium Rare, cook till 125 degrees. When you take it of the grill and let it rest for 15 minutes the temperature will rise to 135. This is the ideal Medium Rare!
Ms. Goofy made her special Risotto. Some fresh corn on the cob was included. We had home pickled tomatoes and cold beverages. How can it get any better?

That is the prettiest roast beast I have seen in a long, long time! Big wow!
I left you a followup pepper question on your previous post - thanks for the quick reply to my first question!
Wow, that's some serious meat, looks great!
Mmmmm. Meat. I like mine anywhere from rare to medium rare, depending on my mood. That's for your future reference. ;-)
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