It was 'Pig Day" at the Davis, California farmers market. How could one resist? We loaded up the Chilebrown bus with the Reverend Biggles, Ms. Goofy and Chilebrown (designated back seat driver). It was a swift 50 minute drive to Davis. Davis is the home of the University of California at Davis. U.C.D. is famous for their veterinary school and has the only operating table in the world that can accommodate an elephant.
We bought produce and a beautiful pork roast from 'Bledsoe Meats'. Dr. Biggles took a survey on how many Co-Eds were wearing ''Uggs'. A lot of people were wearing pig attire. It was a festive atmosphere. We left the Davis Farmers market with asparagus, artichokes, apples, pork and Dr. Biggles smile.

Monster Pork Roast & Dr. Biggles

This pork roast was a monster. We divided it into three portions and stuck one on the fire. We took it out at 148 degrees after several suggestions on either side of the temperature coin. It was very tasty but a little overdone for our taste. Ms. Goofy whipped up some asparagus risotto. Some baby artichokes were simmered with lemon, wine, olive oil and salt. This was a scrumptious end to a fun day at 'Pig Day'

You guys have all the fun! Wish I had seen your post earlier - we'd have gone, too.
Pig day... how much fun and I would be all over this ideA!!!
Most excellent post! Heh, I'm famous on the internets.
xo, Biggles
That pink woman has no shame. She's fun, though.
Cruising the market for a little tail, I see.
Fun post.
This little piggy would go to market and pig out. I would have loved this.
I live in Davis and now I'm sorry I missed "Pig Day!" Great recipes. I can't wait to try your Chipotle en Adobo.
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