‘4505 Meats’ is a company whose tag line is ; ‘Producers of all things meaty and tasty with the occasional salad’. They also make a bacon hot dog. This sounds like my kinda company. 4505 Meats sells their meat products on line and at the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market. It was time to take a trip to the City and procure some bacon hot dogs. We arrived at the Bay Bridge toll plaza at 10:02 am and did not have to pay the 2 dollars penalty, “I have a job and have to go to work tax”, so our toll was 4 dollars. We arrived at the Ferry Plaza and found a parking spot right across the street. This was a good omen of things to come.

“4505 Uncured Hot Dogs” has a laundry list of ingredients. There is chicken, beef, pork and most important bacon in this meat tube of goodness. The bacon is not cured with conventional nitrates but is cured with celery powder. All this meat nourishment is ground and mixed and stuffed into sheep casings. 4505 Meats runs a stand that sells their products all ready prepared to eat and they also have meats to take home. It was quiet the popular booth. Check out their chicharronnes for another porky treat. We picked up some
smoked jalapeno sauerkraut and some Acme hot dog buns to fill up our shopping cart. We were ready to eat.

These dogs have a real snap when you bite into them. They have a wonderful meaty flavor. I am not sure I could really identify a bacon flavor. If I closed my eyes and did not know what brand of dog I was eating, I would say it was a very good quality 'All Beef' hot dog. The smoked jalapeno sauerkraut combined with the Acme hot dog bun slathered with mustard made for a salty snappy hot diggity dog treat. These are quality dogs but where’s the bacon?
oh man, that all looks and sounds so good.
I admit I'm disappointed the bacon flavor didn't come through... I was all set to order some!
Very nice review, CB. You are wry.
Thanks for the tip on the smoked jalapeno sauerkraut. Gettin' some!
Neuske's breakfast sausage reminded me of hotdogs with bacon added.
Give them a whirl.
Wow a parking space on market day! Play the lotto, if you luck continues you can take the limo next time.
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